Donald Trump Reading The Snake

2 years ago

#Q Why is Saint Patrick’s Day on March 17th? Who was Saint Patrick? Who was John? Who was John The Baptist? Why water? If Matthew, the publican, was reborn would he be Republican? Who was Matthew? Why Matthew 3:7? Matthew 12:34? Matthew 23:33? #SnakesSnakesSnakes Why can eagles slay snakes? What’s the difference between eagles and angels? God’s answers are Mark16v18 and #Luke10v19 via #Hebrew4v12. Like #Matthew6, #Ephesians6 fights the Marxists and their mark and their beast. God gives #US, #WeThePeople, the power and authority to slay the snakes, because #SnakesDontTreadOnWeThePeople, Snakes Don’t Tread On Me, #DontTreadOnMe. Who is the eagle, the High Priest of #Psalm91, who plucked out the Pharaoh’s High Priests and Priestesses’ third eyes and the devil’s all seeing eye, which now spins blindly around the pyramid temple to false idols and false gods? #WhereIsWoody According to #Revelation20, the eye is in a die, a black cube, rolling around in the Nevada desert somewhere near Pyramid Lake and Jessup, Nevada, which has a population of ZERO! We spent 3 days and 3 nights sleeping with snakes to make sure, the Devil’s eyesight got lost in the desert sand. We shall return during lent to fast at Pyramid Lake and bury the black cube the size of die with the devils eye deeper and deeper into the belly of the earth. We trained at the Devil Pulpit at Mount Diablo, the Marxists temple to Moloch, where the eagles, the angels, and the High Priests plucked out the devil’s eye. And that’s how the [DS], Marxists, and Joseph all lost their third eyes; their eyes are buried where they belong in the abyss beneath Pyramid Lake. #SymbolismWillBeTheirDownfall Call the county sheriffs and ask about me. I told them my lawyers were Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and Rogan O’Handley. They aren’t really my lawyers, but I had to give the sheriffs something. I was camped out in Jessup, Nevada with a broken down Mini-Cooper like I was David Webb.

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