College Soccer Star Sofia Rossi - One Tough Cookie! #femalesportsheroes #ncaawomensoccer

2 years ago

Athletes require bravery and determination to win whenever they compete. A strong will to win is extremely important especially when faced with challenges. Getting injured is part and parcel of every sport especially with a physical sport like soccer. It is the players’ level of resilience that will get them back on their feet, no matter how great the pain may be.

Former Wake Forest #28, forward Sophia Rossi, always showed resilience whenever she got injured. Not only does she have quick feet, she seems to have a knack to avoid being seriously injured in competitive soccer. Great show for a young soccer player. She's one tough cookie!

Rossi has since finished College and left Wake Forrest. Similar to Julia Grosso who has turned pro, the radar is on Rossi as to her future plans. Good luck to her!

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