Drone View of Downtown San Antonio Landmarks At Sunset Before the Eclipse on May 15th 2022

2 years ago

While we were in downtown San Antonio on Sunday evening, waiting for the Blood Moon Eclipse to happen later in the night. We launched from the empty Federal Building on Caesar Chavez Blvd, after the security guard checked us out to make sure we weren't up to no good.

My Visual Observer (VO) Jeff Dillon suggested this shot and it turned out pretty well. We started low to the ground in the parking lot, rising over the edge of the UTSA Institute of Texas Cultures Museum, facing east towards the Alamo Dome and the rising moon. After making a snarky comment about the Moon that was supposed to be a fantastic sight later that night, we slowly turned the drone to the left, showing you the lit up downtown area. We identify the Henry B Gonzales Convention Center and the Tower of the Americas, before ending up watching a gorgeous colorful sunset to the west of the city.

For more information about Yellow Rose Drones, please check out our website at https://YellowRoseDrones.com. Yellow Rose Drones is a certified FAA Part 107 commercial drone pilot and is currently accepting new client requests.

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