László Toroczkai MP Hungary | Can the WHO Take Control of Countries?

2 years ago

May 16, 2022, László Toroczkai
Member of Parliament & Major of Ásotthalom, Hungary.
"I was looking at what the truth was that the WHO was supposed to declare a health emergency, even without the consent of the states.
If we examine this document closely, we will get the answer to this question.

The 4th point of Article 9 says the following:

4. If the State Party does not accept the offer of collaboration within 48 hours, WHO shall, when justified by the magnitude of the public health risk, IMMEDIATELY share with th e other State Parties the information available to it, whilst encouraging the State Party to accept the offer of collaboration by WHO "striked-out is "taking into account the views of the State Party concerned"

IMMEDIATELY - a word that was inserted into the text by the American amendment - share with the other Sates Parties the information available to it, whilst encouraging the State Party to accept the offer of collaboration by WHO, taking into account the views of the State Party concerned. Each time they cut out the part which is intended to take into account the opinion of the Member State concerned.

They, the WHO, will decide on their own, and they do not want to consult with us, the nation states.

The essential parts can be found at the 2) part of page 8:

"If the Director-General determines and the State Party are in agreement regarding this determination" was the original text.

And in the American proposal for amendments, the "and the State Party are in agreement regarding this determination" part is shown in strikethrough, which means that in the future the only remaining part will be:

"If the Director-General determines that the event constitutes a public health emergency of international concern, the Director-General shall, in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 49, seek the views of the "Emergency Committee" on appropriate temporary recommendations.

So this is the part that allows Tedros - the Director-General of WHO, a friend of pharmaceutical companies, who is linked to the Ethiopian terrorist and Marxist organizations and several dubious deals, to decide on the enactment of a public health emergency. Without the Member state's - in our case, without Hungary's approval, without the governments or parliaments approval.

So contrary to what the media claims, this is clearly stated here and it certainly seems to be a very serious issue of sovereignty, and it is precisely the approval of the member states that will not be part of the treaty anymore.

Subsequently, point 3 was originally about what happens if the consultation between the WHO and the concerned Member State does not lead to an agreement on the case of the emergency, but the amendment this point 3 is completely omitted. It is no longer relevant since there's no consultation anymore, the WHO and the people behind it makes all the decisions.

There was also a new, 6th point including here:

New 6. Where an event has not been determined to meet the criteria for a public health emergency of international concern but the Director-General has determined it requires heightened international awareness and a potential international public health response, the Director-General, on the basis of information received, may determine at any time to issue an intermediate public health alert to States Parties and may consult the Emergency Committee in a manner consistent with the procedure set out in Article 49.

Then in point 3 of page 9 the "At the request of a state party" is also deleted, now the sentence starts with saying the WHO shall offer assistance to the effected State Party (WHO shall 'COLLABORATE" is deleted)...

What can we do?
It is clear from this text that the amendment of the US administration, of Joe Biden's administration, that the Director-General of the WHO can declare a health emergency in any Member State. The WHO published this American-amendment only on April 12th, but it had been sent to WHO much earlier.
They would like to adopt this amendment at the next World Health Assembly, which will take place from 22 to 28 May, so we have very little time to protest.

We have got to know who the ones who are supporting this American amendment. The list of countries is not surprising at all - the semi-colonized countries of the USA, but the EU is also supporting this proposal. This is a huge problem. The Ethiopian Tedros cannot make decisions regarding our health care system, he cannot make decisions on whether a public health emergency should be declared in Hungary or not, he cannot tell us whether vaccination will be mandatory or not.

We believe that we cannot give such powers - even more powers to the WHO Director-General.

The question is how can we do something about it.
First of all, since we are now a parliamentary party, we are trying to protest within the framework of parliament, I have already spoken and will have speeches on this subject, and we demand that the Hungarian Government not support this amendment. Not only this but we are also asking them to consider whether we need to be given guidance at all by the WHO, which has not really been able to protect Hungary against COVID. And practically the WHO is doing nothing against the fact that artificial epidemics can now be triggered with a little modification, and science is now at the level where it can modify the structure of a bacterium or even a virus.

These are very important security and sovereignty issues. We will protest within the framework of Parliament and non-parliament means to prevent this catastrophic decision.

YouTube video has full english subtitles:

Can the WHO take control of the countries?

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Learn more about the WHO Treaty:

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