Ukrainian Troops Training with AMZ Dzik-2

2 years ago

Poland's AMZ Dzik-2 has been sent to Ukraine. Dzik is a family of infantry mobility vehicles. Transcript below.

A little video with some new kit that has been sent to Ukraine. This one, is actually in Ukraine hands as we recently a short video showing Ukrainian soldiers training with it. The vehicle in question is the AMZ Dzik-2. These were contributed by Poland. Dzik means Wild Boar—quite a fitting name for this vehicle.

So the Dzik is an infantry mobility vehicle—serving a similar role as the Bushmasters that have been sent. Ukraine has received the Dzik 2 variant which has 5 doors, room for eight people, eight firing ports and a machine gun on the roof. So this can lay down a lot of firepower if needs be. Its armor is able to provide defence against 7.62 mm rounds. So with its decent armor and firepower, it can effectively become almost a mobile pillbox.

A fast mobile pillbox too—it hit a max speed of 100kmh. It is in use with Iraq, Poland and Lithuania

There hasn’t been any word of how many have been sent.

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