Demetri Kofinas talks Hidden Forces the Shape the World

3 years ago

Demetri Kofinas is a media entrepreneur and host of Hidden Forces, a podcast devoted to exploring the underlying forces driving the most powerful changes we see in the world.

His show covers a qide range of topics, including culture, philosophy, economics, technology, social science, and the hard sciences.

Demetri has previously co-founded Guerilla Gaming Concepts, an interactive entertainment company focused the middleware of gaming. He has also reported on financial news and told stories to hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

In addition to his show, Demetri consults blockchain and distributed ledger technology companies, helping them anticipate security vulnerabilities by building theoretical attack frameworks against token-based systems, and he consults hedge funds and venture capital firms on how to invest in and around these same emerging technologies.

In this episode, Aaron and Demetri have a far reaching conversation about truth, technological progress, and geopolitics.

0:00 - Intro
1:52 - Why Demetri started Hidden Forces
14:48 - Demetri's thoughts on Deepfakes
18:21 - How we Innovate
30:05 - THe forces we need to know about
53:12 - Advice from Demetri Kofinas

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