Pro-Life Advocate: We need to take care of WOMEN & the PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT

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2 years ago

Pro-Life Advocate Alison Centofante: "Yeah, I just saw Starbucks is also saying that they're going to pay for people to go get abortions. Well, isn't that convenient when big corporations pay you to end the life of your child, rather than actually supporting women employees. I would love to work together. We would love is probably went to work together with these pro-abortion, you know, women to say look we got to find some common ground here.

These employers should not be paying you to kill your child. No man is put in that position. In order to succeed here. We need to take care of women and the pro-life movement, you know, listen, if we're going to have this Summer of Rage, then we're going to have a summer of service as my friend in the pro-life movement.

We are not told we have to end the life of our child in order to succeed and just like you said, I mean, there's something dark about the way that the left is pursuing their arguments right now. It is abortion at all costs at any point in pregnancy for any reason and no one can question that, you know, we as the pro-life movement or willing to have the debate, we're willing to answer hard questions and answer concerns that maybe some of these people have about you know, life of the mother or ectopic pregnancies. We see lies about miscarriage management. Going around. We are answering them, but they refuse to have the debate. That looks like desperation. That level of anger is desperation."

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