A huge earthquake, tsnsumi and missiles will destroy America

2 years ago

America is so wicked that it will all be crushed and destroyed by the Most High! California, Oregon and Washington will get hit by a huge earthquake that will destroy all the states there and everyone will die and will not have a chance to hide or escape at all, it will hit suddenly and very hard, the east coast will get hit by a huge tsnsumi and everyone living there will all die by drowning because the waves will be 90 feet tall and will slam into the east coast very hard, Yellowstone is a super volcano and will erupt and the sun will be covered with ash by a huge ash cloud that will go all the way to Europe, Russia, China, Iran and north Korea will hit America with missiles and will come into America and kill everyone they see and will take prisoners of war and will not be nice!! I had a dream they threw a entire family into a Chinese warship and laughed about it, Biden and all the wicked demon rats will be dead and in hell! America will all be crushed and destroyed and will be no more!! NYC will get hit by missiles and everyone living there will be dead and in hell! Alaska will not get hit at all, just all of America will be wiped off the map forever and you will be dead or taken as a prisoner of war to Russia or china and they will kill anyone who tries to run away from them, they shot anyone trying to escape and laughed, America is Babylon will be destroyed as God judgement of America!! If you get left behind in America you will be dead or in a prison camp and there is no escape from a Russian and Chinese prison camp, they will make the prisoners of war do hard labor by gun point and will kill anyone who refuses to do it, Babylonians attacked jersalem and killed anyone they saw and took prisoners to because the Jews worshiped false idols and rejected God!! Like America has! Anerica cares more about the gays, trans, lesbians, black's, abortion, money, masks, vaccines, government, let's criminals go Free, God is not in our dead churches, government, schools, jobs at all, just woke sodomites are and drag queens teach kids in school!! Kids are told they are not male or female! They salute the queer flag in schools and wear face diapers all day long, churches are so dead you think you are in Las Vegas! They have no life inside at all just cranky masked old people who have no life at all, you reject God He will make nations fall and people suffer His anger and judgements!! And oh America deserves it!! Fallen fallen is Babylon the great and all nations moarn because Babylon is no more, the antichrist will rule in Israel not America, America is removed forever and will never be back!! Trump is not coming back!! The antichrist is and Jesus will rescue only those who belong to Him out of this satanic world, but all the dead church people will all be left behind with the wicked to endure the 7 year tribulation!! Once the rapture happens that is it the tribulation will begin and the antichrist will take over the entire world for 7 years long, he will make a treaty with Israel and he will force everyone to worship him and get his demonic vaccine mark of the beast or be killed, the tribulation period is not a time of fun but a time of God unleasing His fierce anger and judgements on the entire world! He will crush all the wicked and those who got the vaccines!! He will bind you all up and throw you into the lake of fire where you belong!! He will throw all the dead lukewarm church people off the fence and make you decide between the antichrist or Jesus, He will destroy Satan, his wicked angels and the antichrist and false prophet and everyone who worships the antichrist, If you get left behind it is your own fault!! Not God your own fault!! You chose to get left behind and God says fine don't cry out to Me at all My back will be turned on those left behind; God will reject those left behind and will not care at all about what happens to you, it is up to you to find God alone and you must suffer to prove how much you love Jesus even if you are killed for it! Persercution will be much worse in the tribulation period and the antichrist will go after everyone who doesn't worship the antichrist, you have been warned! Judgement will hit America!!!

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