We cancel advertisers who sponsor programs hostile to conservatives

2 years ago

In this video we hired Rachel Madcow, to announce the boycott and cancellation of any advertiser/sponsor of far left programs. First to be cancelled are the sponsors who advertise on the Joy Reid Show. The Joy Reid Show has proven to be one of the most toxic racists programs on air in the history of television. For advertisers who choose to support this left leaning content we are giving notice that you have been canceled. So we announce two of the advertisers of the MSNBC Joy Reid Show, Buffalo Wild Wings and Applebees, you have been cancelled for choosing to side with the toxic policies on the Left that The Joy Reid Show supports. Therefore, any conservative that wants to give these two restaurants a heads up let them know here and now that we are not visiting your place of business any longer. Yes, Applebee’s and Buffalo Wild Wings, YOU have been CANCELLED!

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