Building a Healthy Church: The Need for Godly Elders, Titus 1:10-16

2 years ago

Our last study in Titus was the serious qualifications for Godly elders.
These 7 verses (one paragraph) are the reason for the serious qualifications for Elders, and for the need for Christ-followers to live righteously and seriously.
The church must be serious because there are people that would deceive and abuse. Notice that Paul is talking about people that claim to be Christian—not outsiders, not fiery atheists, or people of competing/antagonistic religious systems.
Paul is concerned about false teachers, deceivers who don’t care about wreaking havoc as long as they benefit from it. Titus is to appoint faithful elders in the churches of Crete and then work toward shutting down these harmful charlatans.
As we unpack our passage, we will see the need for Godly Elders/leaders and the work that needs to be done to protect God’s church from deceivers and abusers.

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