He says There Should Be No Limitations on Abortion/Mruder, Including Day of Birth.

2 years ago

He says There Should Be No Limitations on Abortion muder, Including Day of Birth, now they can sell a new born baby to muder. they can sell babys to muder now.
Take a good look this man he has a demean in him..
NY is now the Baby murder capital of the world.. you people better wake up to the evil you live around, next they will tell you your baby is sick, and they have to murder your babys.
Now women can muder babys any time they want in satanixc NY,
New york belongs to Satin and his minions an the baby killers. he would not have a Job if he was for the babys. take a good look at evil.. your living in satin world. you better wake up, the God of this worls in not your God..

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