[#Covfefe Break] Think Universally, Act Personally

3 years ago

Keri and Carter discuss self-styled "Marxist" and BLM founder Patrisse Cullors's latest major purchase: a $1.4M home in a wealthy white district of Los Angeles. It's her fourth house, so "Marxism" is a grift that seems to be working well for her. Carter then announces that he and his wife are expecting a child this fall, and the Unsafe Space knitting community immediately volunteers plenty of knitted baby attire. This leads to a chat about whether children are assets or liabilities to society in general.

Next, they touch on the latest developments in the Derek Chauvin trial before discussing the most recent shooting death by police of a 20-year-old man in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota and the ensuing riots. After Keri highlights a headline indicating the CDC's foray into racism as a "health" issue, they discuss how the establishment will be continuing to actively link leftist agenda items to "health" in a post-COVID environment that's revealed just how compliant the population has become.

Carter proposes that the tired old phrase, "think globally, act locally," should be "think universally, act personally," and Keri closes the show by reading similar poetry from both Jim Morrison and 14th Century Persian author Hafiz.

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