I Need Your Help! New Mucusless Diet App & Ehret Day 2021

3 years ago

I need your help! We are currently developing a Mucus-free Lifestyle and Mucusless Diet App for your smartphone. I want this app to help you take your Mucusless Diet practice the next level! Recipes, customized menu planning, and group Mucus-free Challenges, a food quality database (to search and know if a food item is mucus-forming or not), and much more.

Here is a quick and short survey to help us learn what you'd like to see in our app: https://bit.ly/Mucusless-Diet-Smartphone-App-Survey

Your input will help us make this the number one dieting app in the app store! The survey should only take 2 to 3 minutes to complete. CLICK HERE: https://bit.ly/Mucusless-Diet-Smartphone-App-Survey

Date & Location For Ehret Day 2021

Save the Date: July 31-Aug 1

We have set the date and location for the 3rd Annual Prof. Arnold Ehret Day Celebration! It will take place July 31-Aug1 in Columbus, OH in a beautiful park shelter house.

We had big plans for Ehret Day last year, but we cancelled it due to the insanity of the massive shutdowns. But this year, it's going to happen!

CLICK HERE to gain access to video footage of the first two Ehret Day celebrations:

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