Why Getting Rich Quick Doesn't Lead to Happiness

3 years ago

A lot of my videos focus on the getting-rich-quick and easy schemes being promoted across social media. Exposing these schemers is fun but there’s one aspect of this environment I rarely talk about. And that’s the pursuit of happiness and wealth and the belief that the two are mutually connected.

This is a little different video today but I wanted to share my thoughts on the idea of pursuing these getting rich quick schemes from the mental health side. I’m using rich celebrities because they provide pretty good insight into the theme of this video.

If you are on social media much, you’ll probably come across many different pieces of content that focus on the pursuit of happiness, what it takes to be happy, how to be happy, and a fabrication of who is really happy.

Happiness is the state of being happy. It’s a fleeting state. In my semi-educated opinion, happiness is just a temporary emotion. The idea of chasing a temporary emotion is silly to me. It’s why I never even consider the concept of pursuing happiness. It’s similar to someone studying the concept of pursuing fear. Happiness, fear, sadness, anger. These are all temporary emotions.

I don’t think anyone has shared this perspective on happiness and wealth before so I’ll share my thoughts with you. This is just a thought experiment with the goal of opening your mind to the relationship of money and happiness. If you don’t agree, I’d love to hear your opinion on why.

In modern society, we have levels to the socio-economic classes that we all exist within. At the bottom is where I think a majority of people exist in America and that is survival. My buddy Jesse Burrell and I talked about this where everyone in this class is focused on surviving. The income earned for people in this class goes towards surviving with very little left over.

The survival class has very little ownership, doesn’t have money to invest, is living paycheck to paycheck, and can generally be described as having a tough time getting by.

Next we have the comfort class. These people have a steady form of income, may own their house, have some money to invest, and generally reside within what we call the middle class.

People in the comfort class generally have most of the survival problems solved which is why they move up a level. Steady job, a skill that can lead to good employment, a healthy family, above average school system for their children, and access to health insurance are common for this group of people.

When you have all this stuff. This represents the prosperity class that exists above the comfort class on the socio-economic scale. These people have an income in the top few percent, they have 6 and 7 figures of investments in different asset classes, they have access to people with status in the community, and they’re generally able to solve their problems with money.

No better person to represent the top class in my tiered system than Jay-Z, a savvy businessman who has risen from the bottom to the top. He definitely exists in the F-U money tier that is the top of the food chain.

Facing a lawsuit? Settle out of court. Want to buy the newest sports car? Have your money manager handle it. Want access to the most exclusive clubs in the world? Make a simple phone call. Need advice on an investment strategy? Hang out with Warren Buffett. Want to get married? Find one of the most desirable women on the planet and marry her.


Videos used:
Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Fvmq638E3Y
Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqtRTc3VYq4
Video 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz5DHufWlCM

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