“This Is What’s Happening To Your Children In Our Government Schools With Your Tax Dollars” (SEL, CRT, DEI, REI)

2 years ago

Excerpts from James Lindsay's Groomer Schools 2: Queer Futurity and the Sexual Abuse of Your Children.

Lindsay comments on an academic paper at the intersection of early childhood education and Queer Theory, two subjects that should never be mixed. The 2019 paper is called “Queer futurity and childhood innocence: Beyond the injury of development” by Hannah Dyer of Carleton University, Canada. In this episode of the podcast, James reads through this paper in full, offering his usual level of commentary and revealing just how insidious and dangerous the agenda in the public schools is (Critical Race Theory is, honestly, among the least of our problems, if you can believe it). Join him and prepare to be appalled at what the Critical Marxists who have taken over our education system have in mind for our children.

Source: https://newdiscourses.com/2021/11/groomer-schools-2-queer-futurity-and-the-sexual-abuse-of-your-children/

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