3 years ago

Go to https://HEX.com right now! It could change your life! Bitcoin Ethereum and HEX new all time highs! Timestamps in comments! Can't fit them all here.
00:00:00 Introduction / Taking Telegram Voice Chat Questions This Livestream (t.me/hexcrypto )
00:01:33 Livestream Set Up
00:09:03 Measuring Cryptos From Covid Dip (BTC 17X / ETH 26X / HEX 191X)
00:12:26 Coinbase Direct Listing
00:13:30 Bearish Signals (Hype / NFTs / ICOs / 2017 / Important Upcoming Date / BTC Maximalists Bragging)
00:16:13 Bullish Signals (Low Volatility / Regression Chart)
00:18:21 Institutional Dump Incoming Like 2017 CME? / Grayscale BTC Discount
00:21:17 BTC / ETH / HEX Price Updates / Market Cap Is A Vanity Metric
00:23:14 This Could Be The Top (CME Replay / Wall Street / Celebrities Are Already In)
00:24:55 Economic Centralization Is Good
00:27:27 Truth About Bank Deposits / Inflation / Speculation
00:29:06 Inflation Destroys Working Class / Benefits The Rich
00:31:26 Fastest Appreciating Asset Class In Mankind / Unbelievable HEX Gains
00:33:19 This Could Be The Top / Reflexive Systems / Fine Time To Take Some Profits
00:35:42 Maximum Opportunity Is When Liquidity Is Lowest
00:37:27 PulseChain / Figuring Out Game Theory / Reducing Fees
00:38:12 Ethereum Berlin Fork Raises Cost of HEX End Stakes
00:39:58 MEX: Miner Extracted Value / Flash Bots / MEV-Geth
00:45:37 Developers Working on PulseChain
00:45:56 *Telegram Voice Chat Questions Begin* (t.me/hexcrypto )
00:47:00 A Stablecoin That Is Censorship Resistant and Holds USD Peg (DAI / USDC)
00:51:18 PulseChain: Ethereum Fork / Which Chain Will Win? (Copied Stakes and Liquid HEX)
00:55:37 Fork Risks / Proof of Stake Works! / Liquidity Bridges
01:03:02 Best Method and Strategy To Cash Out (HEX / USD / USDC / DAI) / Privacy (tornado.cash )
01:07:59 PulseChain Time Estimates / So Many Design Decisions
01:14:33 Market Will Decide Token Prices / Will Other Assets Beyond HEX Get Forked?
01:17:03 Stakes and Liquid HEX Will Be Copied On Both Chains / Proof of Stake Validators and Incentives
01:20:55 Best Way To Airdrop: Freemium / Incentives / Uniswap and V3
01:30:06 Staker.app Will Support PulseChain HEX Stakes
01:31:42 National Cryptocurrencies Will Suck! / Gateway Drug
01:34:28 Staker.app Will Support PulseChain HEX Stakes
01:34:57 PulseChain Gatekeeping (No Mad Gains Marketing) / No Preferential Treatment For Hexicans in PulseChain
01:45:46 Are Chains The New Coins? / Pulse To Outperform HEX? / Game Theory In Pulse Will Likely Be Great
01:49:32 Peter Thiel Trying To Pump Bitcoin / China Not Caring About Bitcoin
01:52:08 PulseChain Gains VS HEX Gains / Design Parameter Discussion (t.me/pulsechaincom )
01:53:50 Gary Vee / Mark Cuban / Tim Draper / Jordan Belfort / Peter Schiff (Destroyed)
01:57:08 Staker.app Referrals For PulseChain
01:57:56 Unpredictable Gas Prices / Current Market Sentiment and Thoughts
02:02:23 RH's Love For HEX VS PulseChain
02:04:06 Cons of Airdropping Pulse Proportionally To Current HEX T-Share Ownership
02:06:39 Market Will Determine Price of Ethereum HEX VS PulseChain HEX / Ethereum ERC-20s VS PulseChain ERC-20s
02:10:21 Laddering Stakes VS Single Huge Stake
02:14:10 Important HEX Links (Staker.app / Hex.vision / Graphex.rocks / Hexstreamers.com )
02:15:46 T-Share Price on Nomics.com
02:18:27 Pulse Diverting Capital From HEX? Might As Well Face It Now
02:20:31 Adoption Amplifier On Pulse?
02:20:55 What RH Spends Money On / New HEX Necklace
02:24:50 Decentraland
02:26:24 Differentiating Pulse From HEX
02:28:24 Upgrades Needed: Algorithmic Stablecoins / Margin Trading / MEV-Geth / Layer 2 Composability
02:33:21 Peter McCormack Update: Promoting Middlemen / Bank Accounts Closed / Feeling Smart Buying Bitcoin
02:35:36 Tornado.cash Anonymity Sets: Use ETH, Not USDC
02:36:33 Only Interested In Using Tested Blockchains Like Ethereum
02:40:03 Zodiac Sign
02:40:28 NFTs For HEX Stakes
02:41:46 Group HEX Stakes
02:43:23 Design Parameter Discussion (t.me/pulsechaincom ) / Freemium Works
02:47:35 Max Stake Length Will NOT Change
02:48:26 Break
02:49:22 Firebun Gives Staker.app Stat Update
02:53:13 PulseChain Audit? No
02:55:13 PulseChain HEX Price Chart VS Ethereum HEX Price Chart
02:56:23 Charity Features On PulseChain? No
02:59:39 Staker.app's Decision To Use Smart Wallets (Gnosis Safe)
03:04:12 Bitcoin Maximalism Is Dumb (Tool Worship Analogy)
03:09:33 Scivive (t.me/scivive )
03:13:03 Proof of Stake / Validator Game Theory Incentivizes Decentralization
03:16:07 Pulse Distribution Discussion (t.me/pulsechaincom )
03:21:51 Hardware Needed To Be A PulseChain Validator
03:23:10 Firebun's Contributions To HEX
03:25:37 Lag Explanation
03:27:21 Gunther Von Harringa Shout Out (t.me/hextrading )
03:27:53 Mad Gains Overshadowing Small Stacks
03:28:17 Unfair Gains In Crypto (Coinbase CEO / Exchange Owners / NFT Sellers) / Focus On You
03:30:23 Importance of Showing Gains For Credibility
03:36:50 Continued in comments!

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