A Letter to the Future

2 years ago

Today's message titled "A Letter to the Future" comes from James Corbett at the CorbettReport.com. It can also be found in the written version on The Corbett Report Blog on Minds.com at this link https://www.minds.com/CorbettReport/blog/a-letter-to-the-future-1095603499362070528

I thought it was relevant to all of us today!

I added a short clip from Devon Stack over at Black Pilled on YouTube.

My hope is that everyone realizes the dangerous future we face and how serious the game we play is. Not only for ourselves, but our children and grandchildren as well.

Then I hope that we all realize our authority and act upon it. Realize who our forefathers were, and how it's in our genes to be warriors against Tyranny. There is nowhere left to run.

So we must STAND where we are today!

Evil people control high offices. But they do NOT control "The People" unless we give them that control! Military generals can order troops to kill, but if the troops ignore those unlawful orders they are without effect!

The same goes for Police! Sometimes you must arrest your boss. Else you risk becoming an evil Tyrant yourself!

Reach out to everyone you know, in person, and make sure they know the very clear and present dangers we all face! Humanity is at a crossroads.

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