What to Look for in a Homestead Property - Miyagi Mornings Episode-88

3 years ago

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I think most people know I hate government and that I hate HOAs more. Hence this question from my MeWe page asked to to ignore that part in this response. Specifically I was asked,

"Other than location and politics, what is the one thing/ top three things you would look for in new property to buy if you had to start a new homestead? Climate? Water? Amount of land? Shape of land? Elevation changes? Something else?"

Today I will tell you what I look for and do so with far more than three elements. Today I will cover…

Thought the Permaculture Lens
1. Water
2. Access
3. Structure

In General
1. Land shape
2. Land form
3. Surrounding properties (structures and natural features)
4. Soil type
5. Climate relative to the property
6. Infrastructure

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