Hive No.2

2 years ago

✨🐝this was after the installation of my second hive of golden Italian honeybees, I didn’t film the actual install because the can had fallen & I literally had to reach down and finish out the queen cage; They were very agitated so I had to go ahead and put her into the hive. I also had to do some cross comb cut outs. M apologies That videos are not longer but I do not have a tripod. I’m having to film/video them on my cell phone. Thank you for watching this in thank you for all my friends and family that supported me especially Tony💜 For the little ones that watch, I’ll get excited about nature & Realize even though the bees are 1 of the smallest, they do 1 of the most important jobs. Without them, we would not have beautiful gardens and flowers, beautiful fruit trees and vegetables to harvest our food from. The smallest in God’s kingdom are most important…. Including our children also✨🙏🏾🥰

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