Making SUNSET BRONZE (attempt) #copperalloy #devilforge

2 years ago

Hello everyone 👋🏻.
This week I've melted something new: SUNSET ONZE.
The credit for this goes to Mike Pommer. He asked me if I would help him, by making the alloy. So he could see if the formula came out the same. And it did😁. So if you got instagram, be sure to check out his page! @ mikes_metalworking . He makes some pretty awesome stuff!!! ▶️( )◀️

Making SUNSET ONZE: -copper 92%
-tin 3%
-zinc 3%
-bismuth 2%
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ (by weight!!)‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

How to melt:

Add the copper, tin and bismuth in the crucible and melt it down. I set the forge at 0,1mpa.
Once melted I close the gas, let it cool down a bit so I have some slag covering the liquid metal.
Then I skim the slag so I got an opening, drop the zinc in and immediately start stirring.
Once the fumes stop and the liquid is clean, it's ready. Just preheat the mold and your good to go!!
‼️keep safety in mind‼️wear protective clothes‼️saftygear is a must‼️

The unicorn wasn't perfect but I was happy with it, I thought it failed 😅.
I definitely be making more of this SUNSET ONZE!!!

The #1 fan is the one who supported me even before I started casting. She's the one who did the giveaway draw😉. That girl is my girlfriend and I wanted to make something for her. (yes she was happy with the unicorn😏).


Thank you all for watching and I'll hope to see you next time!😁.

Be sure to check out the other channels on my YouTube channel, let's support the community💪🏻😁.

!!! Thank you all for the support !!!

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You can check me out on:

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As always, I hope you have
a great weekend!!

See you next time !!!

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