🔥👿 WEF Psycho Dennis Meadows Ponders How To Depopulate 6 Billion People "Peacefully"

2 years ago

This is an older video but it gives you an idea how these globalist elite psychopaths think and how much they want to rid the earth of us "useless eaters" so that they can have total power and control. This is happening right now with the WEF's Klaus Schwab currently trying to usher us into The Great Reset using the SCAMdemic as a tool to get us there and genociding MILLIONS with the vaccine. Dennis Lynn Meadows is an American scientist and Emeritus Professor of Systems Management, and former director of the Institute for Policy and Social Science Research at the University of New Hampshire. He is President of the Laboratory for Interactive Learning and widely known as a coauthor of "The Limits to growth: A report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind" Available at Amazon: https://amzn.to/3wp6L57
He goes on to explain how he hopes methods to depopulate the planet of 5 to 6 billion "useless eaters" can be done in a non violent, "peaceful" and "equal" way. Let's face it no matter how nicely you try to say it he means "How can we genocide 5 or 6 billion of us peacefully and kindly"
Dennis Meadows former WEF member: https://www.weforum.org/people/dennis-meadows
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Meadows
The First Global Revolution ~ A Report By the Council of The Club of Rome PDF: https://tinyurl.com/bdfm6hd2
Agenda2030/New World Order/The Great Reset: https://therealtruthnetworkcom.wordpress.com/2022/04/20/agenda-21-nwo/
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