Jaques Attali, Die Welt von Morgen, 1981

2 years ago

Zukunftsvision (Film 2:25 Mark Mobil)
Der Faktencheck bestimmt den Text als unwahr. Er mag gerafft worden sein, ist aber stimmig! Studiert auch die Werke von Klaus Schwab und Bill Gates...
Jacques Attali  is a French economic and social theorist, writer, political adviser and senior civil servant, who served as a counselor to President François Mitterrand from 1981 to 1991
Attali advocates the establishment of a global rule of law, which will condition the survival of democracy through the creation of a new global order. He thinks the regulation of the economy by a global financial supervisory institution may be a solution to the financial crisis which started 2008. The financial institution is a first step towards the establishment of a democratic world government, of which the European Union can be a laboratory, which was all laid to bare in his 1981 book Verbatim.

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