Earth Mysteries

3 years ago

Earth Mysteries is a small presentation which will baffle you for a moment. Earth is our home and yet Earth shrouds in innumerable mysteries.
Where did all the water come from? How did oxygen stabilized on Earth? How did the complex life forms suddenly erupted during cambrian era? what is the origin of moon? what happened to dinosaurs?
Human being is smart enough to solve these mysteries in years to come...

Background Music:

This license certificate documents a license to use the item listed below
on a non-exclusive, commercial, worldwide and revokable basis, for
one Single Use for this Registered Project.

Item Title: Mystery
Item URL:
Item ID: GY4X9CN
Author Username: Orchestralis
Licensee: Shiekh Tariq Mohmad
Registered Project Name: Earth Mysteries
License Date: April 17th, 2021
Item License Code: SEFWJCUYD6

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