This is the world's deadliest dog

2 years ago

Have you ever been chased by a fierce dog, through the
streets of your hometown or by a park nearby, when you
were young? Lets hope not! But I did, way back in the
day. And believe me, its not a nice experience. It is scary
as hell! This video shows you some of the fiercest and
wildest dogs that you can find in the world. Almost
unstoppable as well as dangerous, you will find a big
variety of breeds. Click on the video if you are into huge,
heavy, and expensive four legged beasts!!
Pets, especially dogs, can reduce stress, anxiety, and
depression, ease loneliness, encourage exercise and
playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular
health. Loyalty is also just a natural behavior for dogs.
Dogs are pack animals, meaning they are social
creatures who prefer the company of other animals. This
behavior is a survival mechanism too. Packs succeed
because the members of the group depend on one
another to survive. Dogs are said to be man's best friend,
while this is true, are you aware that some dogs are not
so friendly as you might think? Some dogs are certainly
not for Family usage as they are very dangerous. Some
of the dogs you see in movies or on the street seem to
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