Nervous Hannity Promises Republicans Won’t Ban Abortion Federally

2 years ago

Now that the death of Roe v Wade is imminent, some conservatives are backpedaling on what the overturning of the landmark Supreme Court decision actually means. Sean Hannity went on his Fox News program to say that abortion access will remain largely intact across the country. That's because he knows that abortion rights have popular support among Americans and he doesn't want to scare too many people about what the Republicans are actually doing.

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We had this story coming out of Louisiana where a lawmaker had introduced to the assembly murder penalties for women who got abortions. And other sundry things that are you know let's be honest it's consistent. I mean if the argument is right that this is and and and there's other going to be issues that it seems to me going to be raised. Like if you can murder a person right? Like we don't there are no murder charges for killing life. Murder charges for killing you know plants. And frankly, I don't even know if we have murder charges for killing animals. I mean you can get to know cruelty to animals. I think that is born. But the issue is that this is a person that you're killing. Right it's an unborn baby whatever that means. And it would be consistent at that point to arrest everybody who is involved in those killings. You know like arresting women who have abortions. Arrest doctors. Arrest all the people who aid in abet. I mean if you know and arrest them. Why wouldn't you? And of course, the reason why you wouldn't do that is that these people know it is bat crap crazy to do this. They don't want people thinking about the implications and the definitions that they're espousing. That is why you're hearing when we had the vote the other day in the senate to protect women. You heard republicans talking about this bill isn't the status quo. They're pretending as if it like you know post-born abortions. Which also do not exist. That is murder. Because that's a person. They have been born. And the amazing thing about all of this is we are watching the republicans and the conservatives in this country have to pretend that taking away the right for people to have an abortion is not taking away the right for people to have an abortion. That it is meaningless. This thing that they have been fighting for 50 years. This thing was the litmus test for every one of Donald Trump's supreme court justices. This thing really may have delivered the presidency to Donald Trump. Now they're claiming it's completely irrelevant. I give you Donald Trump's advisor and also Fox News host Sean Hannity.

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