Muddy Garden Update and Rocket "Screen Shots"!

3 years ago

As always, photo-bombing from Rocket. Today, he added "screen shots." You'll have to see what I mean there.

UPDATE: One day later...Stan asked me if I'd been out in the shed today. Yes, about 2 hours earlier to get a 5# bag of King Arthur flour. Well, when Stan went out to bring in some milk, he noticed Rocket, sitting nonchalantly inside one of the white plastic dishpans! I never saw Rocket anywhere around the outside of the shed or I'd have blocked the door with a bucket again. Tricksie cat!

We had over two inches of rain overnight so the garden is indeed muddy! Stan had already planted the green beans and six rows of sweet corn so if it warms up, maybe I'll have some rows to show you in another week or so. The snow peas got hurt by--deja vu al over again--chemical spray! Yes, once again on a 20-30 mph south wind day, the chemical company sprayed the corn stubble and it drifted onto our garden. Good thing is that only the snow peas were up--we'll know in a few days if we need to replant them or not.

You can see that Stan's peppers are turning into a shed jungle but they'll have to harden off for a couple of weeks before they can go in the garden for good. With 36 degree temperatures heading our way again Saturday morning, this may be a long process.

Lori Fiechter

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