3 years ago

As we continue to evolve, we are coming closer into proximity with the reality of openly and consciously living among ET’s. “The Pyramid Code” document, published on 9/9/2020 at 9AM EST points out the fact that Pyramid shaped UFOs exist. Just a few months after its publication, the Pentagon has validated this to be true! Be sure that this is only the beginning. As we progress through linear time, this document will continue to be validated from many different angles.

Most importantly, as we move through this timeline of extraterrestrial life, there will be a lot of deception from authorities trying to convince us that they are here to hurt us. You can be sure that this is not the case. And please, don’t take my word for it. FOLLOW THE MONEY! Major industries will collapse if this technology were to come out to the public. Remember, we are speaking about technology capable of inter-dimensional/intergalactic travel at speeds which completely defy the laws of physics (as we know them today). Most importantly, this is technology which works on “free energy”. It is in the best interests of the “big boys” to make sure the public does not get a hold of this technology UNITL they can find a way to monetize it for their own financial interests. For this reason, they will do what they can to make us fear these beings who come in peace with incredible gifts that can and will assist in humanity’s conscious evolution. May we embrace them with full Love and may we reunite with our brothers and sisters once again!

Download "The Pyramid Code" for FREE at

With Infinite Love,
Jason :)

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