To Live Life by Your Own Terms, You Must First Define Them - Miyagi Mornings Epi-91

3 years ago

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I hear a lot of people say a lot of things and then wonder do they even know what they are saying. I mean even when it sounds good and would be great if they did. One example is, “I want to live life on my own terms”.

I can’t tell you how many times someone has said this to me in real life and I simply said, “wow, that is great, so what are your terms”, and got a blank and confused stare in return. This is generally followed but what I would call “a great start”. Realizing they have really not defined these terms at all and realizing the awkward nature of not responding they attempt to cover.

A list of things they want and do not want follows. No debt, work when I want, do something I want to do anyway, etc. I always say great, why not go write that down and start really defining the what, which will lead you to the how. It will lead you to the income and savings required to get it. Then you will know where you are going, and you just might get there. Today I explain the way to get this done, provide you some motivation in actually in doing it and I explain the insidious reason people don’t do it. Strap in folks, this is gonna be another bumpy ride on the Miyagi Mornings Express!

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