Conservatives Explain Why Roe Leaker Is Probably Conservative

2 years ago

These Newsmax contributors scoff at the idea that a conservative clerk at SCOTUS would have leaked the Roe v Wade draft. But in their attempt to pin it on a liberal clerk they describe exactly why it's probably a conservative clerk who leaked it.

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There are a lot of questions as to who leaked this information. there's another leak from the supreme court. We've had multiple ones now. we leaked the brief. But we had someone leaking to the wall street journal a couple of weeks ago they wrote an editorial on it. Saying that it was 5'4 and that some of the 5 were waffling. John Roberts, there's a story in the Washington Post this weekend about another conservative leaker. And we know it and I will characterize it in a moment. But here is Victoria Tunsing these republican la you know legal operatives claiming that it's a left-wing person on the court. But then explaining exactly why it's a right-wing person on the court who leaked this.
You know this is a crazy story. it's not logical. It could be a conservative clerk. But the more likely story is it was a liberal clerk. Because I can just tell you as a conservative my mind doesn't even think. I would never think of violating the court's protocol for leaking information.
Nina Totenberg has stayed too long at the fair. That suggestion she called the leading theory. I don't know whose leading theory it is. perhaps it's hers in her little world. But what she's doing is she's blame-shifting. The obvious felon here is a clerk for a liberal justice trying to create chaos. And force the justices to change their position. It does show how small-minded the liberal clerks could be if they are the source. Because the one thing that is going to happen as a result of the leak is that not a single conservative justice is going to change his or her mind after this. Because caving after this would be just the end of their career as respected jurist. Is it that's what john Roberts did when Obama badmouthed him during the Obamacare arguments. And we know it's true because any lawyer reading the opinion can figure out and follow that it just stops the logic at the end. But secondly, we were with the justice that a few days later and they were furious at John Roberts for having changed his vote because they were all thinking.

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