23 Non Yarny Things About Me

2 years ago

I was nominated by Katrina’s Crochet World: youtube.com/channel/UC90E1i4VUDKE-78BPqkqUmg

1. Fav color
2. Fav Music
3. Fav Food
4. Fav Soda
5. Fav Animal
6. Fav Holiday
7.Fav Book
8.Fav Pizza
9.Fav Past time
10.Fav Tv show
11.Fav Fruit
12.Fav Vegetable.
13.Fav Subject in high school
14. Fav Actress
15.Fav singer
16.Fav superhero
17.Fav Comedian
18.Fav Season
19.Fav Movie
200.Fav smell
21.Best friend
22.Fav Decade
23. Fav YouTube channel

I nominate:
PixieStitch and Cindy the Crocheter EH!

PixieStitch: https://www.youtube.com/c/PixieStitchs/featured

Cindy the Crocheter EH: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy6ROc1bNFX8_CgRYFclzLQ/featured

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