Dr. Malone | WHO Treaty is a THREAT to CONSTITUTION and FREEDOM

2 years ago

Dr. Robert Malone, MD | Virologist

"This is one of those things that sounds like science fiction. It's hard to believe that the President of the United States and his administration are intentionally undermining the Constitution. But that's what it is, as far as I'm concerned. This constitutes a breach of his oath of office to defend the Constitution. As far as I am concerned, this is an impeachable offense."

"There has been a direct attempt with a letter on January 18 (with no public awareness) from the United States to the World Health Organization, proposing a series of rule changes. In parallel, there was action in Congress that will essentially allow the President to sign a treaty without congressional authorization. Furthermore, in parallel, there was action taken in the World Health Organization to breach their normal period of review and approval for countries from an 18 month period to a six month period. What this means is that this will get rammed through the American political system and the World Health Organization before the November midterm elections."

"I cannot believe this is circumstance— this is intentional. They are not only trying to bypass the Constitution and undermine it through this tortured logic that 'public health should take preeminence over the American Constitution.'"

"They put a series of hooks and political plays in place that will allow them to do this without normal review processes— either by the Nation states and the World Health Organization, or by our own Congress. It's shocking. This is proposed by the Biden administration. These clauses are proposed by our executive branch— by our president, okay."

"First off, Increased surveillance. Under Article Five, the WHO will develop early warning criteria that will allow it to establish a risk assessment for a member state, which means it can use the type of modeling simulation and predictions that exaggerated the risk from COVID 19 over two years ago. Once the WHO creates its assessment (unilaterally), it will communicate it to intergovernmental organizations and other member states. They will then have a 48 hour deadline. This is how this is going to work: within 48 hours (and really less) they will have to make a “go, no go” decision about complying with the mandate, which is entirely under the control of Tedros. The director general of the World Health Organization has the authority (under this statute) to circumvent the US Constitution and to activate a dominant role over the US Constitution, by the Constitution of the World Health Organization. He can do this unilaterally."

"Remember, the two major donors to the World Health Organization (currently) are the CCP (Communist China) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates is placing 250 million (USD) into the WHO. Those two control the WHO, full stop."

"What this bill does is it hands over control of the American Constitution and circumvents states rights. This is really a power play by the executive branch to create a pathway whereby they can get the WHO to do their bidding, and to overturn the state's rights— which remember, this is super important."

"The Constitution restricts the federal government to only those powers and roles that are mentioned. Control of medical care is absolutely not within the federal government's purview. Under the Constitution, it vests with the states. Under this proposed change— which I believe is driven by the World Economic Forum, as well as the CCP (and through its agents, such as Bill Gates)— this is a play to circumvent not only the US Constitution, but to circumvent the ability of states to control medical care within their domains. This cuts right to the new ruling (that we hope is going to come out from Scalia and others) concerning states rights, which is being couched under the logic of Roe v. Wade, but it's really far, far broader than just Roe v. Wade. That ruling resets the proper relationship between the federal government and states. That’s really what's behind this ruling."


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