How To Get The Spark Back In Your Relationship - Relationship Advice For Women

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How To Get The Spark Back In A Relationship - 8 Must-Read Tips
By: Carlos Cavallo

Every relationship is awesome at the beginning. But it's also perfectly natural to have slow periods in your relationship. You may be wondering right now how to get the spark back in your relationship.

Falling in love is easy when the feelings of passion and desire run high. Staying in love is a little trickier.

All couples run into a slow spell every so often. You might need a little extra energy to get close to your partner again and awaken that love connection.

Desire may have faded. You might even be wondering if your relationship or your marriage is on the rocks.

There's lots of different reasons your relationship might be feeling sluggish.

You may have just had a new baby
The "honeymoon period" might be ending and you're wondering what's happening between you
The intimacy may have plateaued between you and your partner
You don't touch each other as much as you used to
You might not have as much sex as you used to
You might find yourself arguing over money a little bit more
If you want to reignite the passion between you and your partner, you need some strategies to help you move forward.

First off, it's totally natural for the fire of excitement to cool off. This can happen early on for some couples, or many years down the road.

The signature of a strong relationship is that you don't interpret this to mean that the love has gone away. Again, this feeling is totally natural. The idea that every relationship burns passionately at a thousand degrees - or it isn't "love" - is a myth.

Here are a few tips for how to get the spark back in your relationship... and revive your love.

Tip 1: Get The Spark Back In Your Relationship: Rewind It!
Remember at the beginning? When you first met and got all crazy for each other?

You guys were like teenagers. Holding hands, smooching whenever you had a chance. Whispering in each others' ears...

I know, kind of embarrassing to see it like that, right?

But you do want to get back to the things that created your connection in the first place. Rewinding your relationship and restarting your old habits that made you fall in love is essential.

Start going out on dates again. Concentrated time together is what ultimately creates that connection.

Go back to restaurants you used to eat at. Go out for some dancing, or even a movie.

Go back to being one of those couples you probably roll your eyes at now, and realize you don't want to let that habit go.

Reignite Your Desire - Tip 2: Reconnect Physically
You might think that I'm talking about sex. While you should try to reignite your sex drive and bedroom action, I'm really talking about your everyday physical connection.

Your touch intimacy is a very important component of your relationship. How you touch each other's bodies is another level of communication between you and him.

Give him a back massage or rub, and vice versa
Hold hands when you walk together
When you watch TV, get back to closeness on the couch together
Your physical touch and patterns of physical intimacy are important to keep you both affectionate and loving.

Revive The Desire & Intimacy - Tip 3: Get your love drugs
Back in the early stages of your relationship, you may not have realized it but the hormones being pumped into your brain were --

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
How To Get The Spark Back In Your Relationship

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