Upside down world (a short film)

2 years ago

The world upside down. If anyone turns places upside down, it is God. Even though the world is flat, it could be turned upside down. This can be done literally or figuratively. If you know how magnetic poles work, you know how to use them. This knowledge is applied to a lot of technology and would also be the basis of UFOs. It is not only this, it is also used for occult practices. We know that the enemy turns everything around. How are the fallen angels released? Is this literal or figurative? The word science in the Hebrew root would refer to sorcery. Can you say that science is also magic? I believe that we should especially look at the purpose of scientific projects. Perhaps God never wanted us to study energy on its own. Then you take a substance from its entirety. In the meantime, we study energy as separate particles, which gives us knowledge. This knowledge can be dangerous in the wrong hands. This is how nuclear weapons are made. What if the false messiah is false light? A network of energy was built around us that connects us to each other. This network has many possibilities. Many people are not aware of how many possibilities light energy has. They try to make us completely dependent on their network. The intent is to exclude anything that is not connected to their network. It goes deeper than this. It's about opposites. Opposites isn't just about energy. Any opposing force can be a polar opposite. Likewise with character traits. When you know how this mechanism works and that it contains powers, you can do a lot. I fear that this knowledge is secretly applied to humans. We are guinea pigs. Many chemical and psychological experiments were also carried out during the war years. We have no idea how much knowledge they have accumulated through animal and human experiments. This data is important to them. Today data is a weapon. Then there are far-reaching technological developments such as D.E.W that can serve as weapons of war. The world is aiming for its downfall. We must know to whom we entrust our hearts. The truth sets us free, they say. This is only possible if the Truth dwells in you because He is a person. Only Jesus will take you to paradise because paradise is in Him! ' Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter through it; but the gate is narrow and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few find it. ' Matthew 7:13-14

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