Homeschool On Saturday? / Homeschool DITL / Homeschool Schedules / Weekend Homeschool

2 years ago

Hey guys welcome back to every day blessings. If you’re new here my name is Nina I’m a homeschooling mom with five kids at home and six kids total. You’re on my channel I talk about all things Homeschool from tots to teens in real life, because God didn’t make me Pinterest perfect – I don’t even pretend to be.

Today is a short snippet video of a little of what it looks like for us to homeschool on the weekends. Homeschool on the weekends? Am I crazy? Well I don’t know if I’m totally crazy but I’m not normal.

Yes. We are homeschooling on a Saturday. Why in the world are we home schooling on Saturday? Why not? Some people say we should just relax and enjoy our weekend, our life is pretty much run like a weekend. If we wanna go to a museum a park do some impromptu nature study go out and hang out with our friends in the middle of the week we can do that because we homeschool and make our own schedule. If we wanna do school on the weekend for a couple of hours here or there we are more than happy to do that cause honestly everything’s a little Bit crowded on the weekends. We take it vantage of Park space and museums and things of that sort during the week when everything’s a lot less crowded you can take your time you can really enjoy your experience there and when things are more crowded like during the summer or on the weekend we do a little bit more school during that time. Homeschooling on the weekend is not weird to us. It’s probably very weird to a lot of other people homeschooling on the weekends is not for everybody but homeschooling on the weekend works for us.



Beginner’s Guide To Homeschooling Workbook:

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