2 years ago


- 1897 : The pipe shop of the mining and smelting society “Nikopol” (later it became Ilyich Iron & Steel Works of Mariupol) output its first products In Mariupol.
- 1899 : “Russkiy Providans” Works start-up.
- 1920 : Nikopol” and “Russkiy Providans” were united in “Mariupol
Metallurgical and Metal processing Works”.
- 1922 : Mills for large pipe diameter welding were put into operation
- 1924 : The Works was named in honor of V.I. Lenin (“Ilyich Works” – patronymic of Vladimir Lenin)
- 1928 : Construction of the biggest in Europe tube-rolling mill
(Mannessman) was started in Mariupol
- 1929 : On 1st of 1929 the first flimsy of “Ilyichevets” newspaper appeared, Printed at the Works’ typography, which started its functioning at the second half of 1928;
- 1930 : The biggest in Europe pipe-rolling mill (Mannessman) was commissioned. Rated capacity of this shop allowed producing about 50% of required pipes for our country.
- 1932 : At the second stage a new-pipe shop and an open-hearth furnace were built. Ilyich Works started to specialize in high-quality special steels.
- 1933 : On 1st of July first plate treatment shop in the country was put into operation
- 1941 : Works specialized in products for defense industry manufacturing. In July, 1941 the armor mill “4500” was evacuated to Magnitogorsk.
- 1943 : Works reconstruction started. By the end of 1943 the Works produced 25 000 t of steel, more than 1 000 t of rolled products, 3 437 auto-springs, performed orders of the acting army – 1 380 parts for automobiles, 20 tanks were repaired.
- 1944 : Taking into account the results of work, the Ilyich Works was awarded the challenge Red Banner of State Committee for Defense.
- 1945 : On 11th March of 1945, State Committee for Defense decided to organize at Ilyich Works production of railway cisterns.
- 1946 : For outstanding services during the Second World War, the Red Banner of State Committee for Defense was transmitted to Ilyich Works for eternal keeping.
-1947 : Ilyich Works was awarded Order of Lenin. 534 workers, employees and specialists of the plant were awarded orders and medals (on 7th of June). A new generation of railway refuellers – 8Г 119 and 8Г 29, used during “gagarinskiy start” for fueling the carrier rocket of “Vostok and “Soiuz” systems
- 1952 : The biggest and the most powerful plate rolling mill at that time was put into operation (today – Rolling mill 4500).
- 1954 : The most powerful in Soviet Union blast furnace №2 with high gas pressure under the top was commissioned
- 1958 : Council of Ministers of Ukraine issued a resolution №325 from 26th March of 1958 concerning machine-building production detachment from Ilyich Works and integration of Ilyich Works with Kuibishev pipe works.
- 1959 : “Ukrgipromez” Institute worked out a project of continuous plate rolling mill 1700, slab mill 1150, cold rolling shop and heat-treatment shop.
- 1960 : Rolling mill 1700 was put into operation at Ilyich Works.
- 1961 : Cold rolling shop equipment installation started at Ilyich Works.
- 1962 : The most powerful worldwide Slab mill 1150 and a new open-hearth shop complex using natural gas self-carburation were put into operation.
-1965 : Ilyich Works created its own automobile shop. First five “БелАЗ-54ОА” were bought for sinter plant operation activities
- 1966 : The biggest in Europe sinter plant was put into operation. The sinter plant continuously increased its production volume to supply for blast furnace shop enough sinter. Health and Territory improvement shop was created at Ilyich Works.
- 1967 : On 31st March 1967 was created press shop with rated power of 10 000 t of products per year. Also, this year sinter plant equipment repair shop was created and thermo forge area was put into operation.
- 1970: Shaped steel mill shop was put into operation. It was the last one in a new block of repair shops.
- 1971 : Ilyich Works was decorated with the order of October revolution. 448 workers of the Works were decorated with orders and medals.
- 1977 : Second continuous hot galvanization machine in cold rolling shop was put into operation.
- 1982 : Ilyich Works inaugurated the largest in Mariupol Palace of Culture of metallurgists. It is designed for 1200 places, with showing room for 385 places, and with the best stage in the city.
1983 : At the plant was finished a huge construction in iron-and-steel industry. First plate was rolled at the Rolling mill 3000 for Khartsizsky pipe works strip production, one of the main suppliers of heavy-diameter pipes.
- 1990 : First agricultural shop of MMK Ilyich was created.
- 1993 : Commissioning of two continuous casting machines at the oxygen-converter shop was realized.
- 1999 : Chemical and metallurgical factory (CMF) became part of Ilyich Iron and Steel Works
- 2000 : Lime-Kiln Shop equipped with two März furnaces was commissioned at the Works.

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