Vividly colored orioles enjoy a splash in the sunshine

2 years ago

Orioles are among the most vividly coloured birds in North America. Their bright orange plumage, contrasted with black make them stand out like few other birds. Easily attracted to back yard feeders, they are such a delight for bird lovers and nature enthusiasts that their arrival in spring is an eagerly anticipated event. Their migration north causes great excitement on social media and other bird sites as their progress is tracked and noted.

Birders are quick to put out feeders a day or two before the birds arrive, hoping that they will return to find good reason to stay. Orioles are loyal to feeders and territories so it's not difficult to keep them coming back if there is a good supply of food and water.

Orioles are particular about their diet. They enjoy oranges, grape jelly, sugar nectar, and other brightly coloured fruit like mango or grapes. They will eat only foods of certain colours though, and it's wise to keep a fresh supply of these things in an open area near trees. Orioles are cautious birds and they will keep a watchful eye on the skies to avoid predators such as hawks or kites that also like to be near bird feeders.

The female oriole is also orange, but her colour is not nearly as vibrantly orange. Her darker feathers are also more brown than black, giving her a much more muted appearance. Cheerful songbirds, the sound of orioles in the back yard is almost as satisfying as the sight of them.

As an added bonus, orioles will also eat insects such as caterpillars, making them a very beneficial presence in any woodland area where caterpillars could damage trees.

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