Vaush on Thomas Sowell: Refuting Vaush's Pathetic Argument Part 1

3 years ago

There have been many times I have been requested to respond on Vaush or even to debate him and I could not let this particular request go. Vaush on Thomas Sowell is simply laughable, his arguments aren't even arguments, so to speak, rather, they are baseless claims and simply resorting to ad hominem attacks with his patronising tone.

As he mentions at the start of his video, he hasn't read a single thing about his actual work and as I point out, much like every other socialist, Vaush is trying to pass off socialism is anything other than what the real world has seen, in other words, typically moving the goal posts.

His baseless claims to claim that Thomas Sowell doesn't understand anything of what he's talking about is the prime example of what socialists think is an argument, but the truth is, if he was to attempt refuting anything Thomas Sowell has stated in his books such as on socialism being faced with resource misallocation, he would fall flat on his backside. It's why he avoids actually trying to tackle any of Thomas Sowell's actual arguments because he knows he is incapable of even going there and would humiliate himself, so instead, pretends his baseless claims and ad hominem attacks are arguments when they quite clearly aren't.

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