Roland and Scott Growing up Martin

2 years ago

This video was recorded in 2014 at ICAST. I look forward to events such as ICAST because it brings everyone together in one setting no matter what trail they fish. At these events I’ve seen Roland Martin and I’ve seen Scott Martin, but rarely have I ever seen them at the same event or if they were, I’d never actually seen them standing together. I’m sure it’s tough on both of them, being pulled in every-which direction due to sponsor obligations, business meetings and signings.

But at ICAST 2014 in Orlando, I was able to get the two of them together for a really cool talk.

A little back story.

Two years prior to this show, I found a picture of Roland and Scott in a 1980 Bassmaster Magazine. The picture consisted of Roland rowing a jon boat, four-year-old Scott sitting in his lap and they’re both looking to the side. I have wanted to do a story on this picture because to me it represents something so important in life – a father and son spending time together on the water.

For two years I waited hoping to see either one of them and talk with them about it.

Well, on Friday of ICAST that year, I walked by the 3 Legends booth and saw Scott and Roland together. My wife had my computer so I turned tail and ran back to the media area to retrieve the computer. She must have thought I was crazy when I grabbed it without warning, just saying, “I just saw Scott and Roland together, I need to show them the picture.”

I ran back to the booth and thankfully they were both still there. I waited until they were done and Roland saw me. He asked how I was and I just opened the laptop.

Roland saw the picture first. The look on his face was that of being in shock. Then Scott saw the picture. Have you ever had chills run through your body? That was the feeling I had as I watched them digest the picture. Neither of them had ever seen it.

After a few minutes of looking at the picture we all agreed to come back and do an interview about the picture. That video interview can be seen below.

Roland and Scott, thanks for your time and thanks for talking with me about your past.

Sorry about the Audio everyone. It was the middle of the show and impossible to find a quiet place.

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