Tensho and Saiha: Two hands are better than one. Bunkai Concepts with Cameron Quinn

3 years ago

Tensho was one of the key kata practiced regularly by Mas Oyama. His first international student, Shihan Bobby Lowe, never missed doing Tensho every day.

In kata, most one-handed techniques are actually two-handed. Seek the connection.
Hikite: whenever you retract your hand, you have something in it. Retracting it to the body is connecting to the body. Connection is when you leverage. That means using more and more of your body against less and. less of your opponent's.
Push-Pull Principle. Begins with Kihon. Sosai taught to lead out from the wrist and retract from the elbow. Retracting from the elbow is much stronger than from the hand.
In Japanese, the retracting hand, "hikite", actually means "pulling hand". That tells you something.
which techniques did Sosai place emphasis on? What are the ratios of techniques, in terms of the 5 ranges, that Sosai presented in his three major books?
Koken: where is the thumb placed correctly?
Kaisai: a concept originating in Goju not widely known in Kyokushin. But valuable for kata training. Everyone should understand the use of kaisai training in kata.
The Budo Karate of Mas Oyama and the chapters on kata training are very useful for understanding kata training and bunkai.
What are Miyagi Chojun's rules of kata training? These provide a profound base for your training. There are three primary and nine supplementary rules to guide us.
The art of fighting is sneakiness.
Check out the Bunkai teachings of Taira Masashi Sensei. Excellent.
Uke: Block vs Receive a technique. There is no "block". That is why Sosai said Tensho was so important.
Balance. The one who loses balance first loses the fight.
Almost 70% of the techniques Sosai taught involved grappling, holding, throwing, takedowns. Only about 23% of what Sosai taught are suitable for tournament fighting. So even though Kyokushin is identified by its tournament fighting, this represents just s mall percentage of what it holds.
All fighting systems have strengths and weaknesses. What is Kyokushin's number one weakness?

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