Upcoming Destruction, 2 New Consult Offerings, TSF DNAICIC Waiting List Closes 4-27-2021

3 years ago

I wanted to inform you that there are 2 new consult offerings, one I had previously mentioned was a possibility but is now confirmed.
The other is one with Diana adding her Female Source energy into the mix.

There are a lot of consults already scheduled and I need to stop their influx, limit the number of them.
It's finally obvious to me that my body is at last ready to shut down.
I've damaged it beyond repair so nothing on the Other Side is able to keep it going.

I'm going to do a video about China before too long, describing what's about to happen to it/them in detail.
This way, when it happens, you'll have little reason not to understand who's doing what.
I am Creation's janitor and I'm about to mop up the floor here on Earth.
i.e. Time to Take Out The Trash.

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