Tyrant Owned. Educated. Dismissed. "I Don't Answer Questions". Officer Sicard. Salem. Police. Mass.

3 years ago

This was on Saturday April 24th 2021, at approximately 12:49, at and around the "Witch City Plaza" on Essex Street in Salem, Massachusetts. As I approached a call for a man "yelling obscenities" I noticed that the "Mask Ambassadors" of Salem were out in full affect. When I approached the call officer cigar badge # 214, expressed his disdain and ill feelings for me, saying outloud "Oh, Boy". The scene just cleared, so I made my way back down Essex Street.

As I made my way down Essex street, the mask ambassadors approached me telling me that it is a mandatory mask zone and law by the department of public health. I politely said no and informed them it is not law and asked them about the contradictory ways of the DPH. As guy playing hero and tough guy, tried to intervene, while the "Mask Karens" called the police.

Soon the police showed up on scene, one being a rookie and the other only under 2 years in. I had to give out more free educations to all of them. Please tell me what you think of all of the interactions in the comment section down below. Also Make sure to click on all the links to the videos and posts, especially the video that was banned here on YouTube. Donations are happily and humbly accepted!!! Much Love, Respect And Appreciation!!!


CashApp: https://cash.app/$MassAccountability44

Salem Police Department
95 Margin Street
Salem, MA 01970

Request for Police 978-744-1212
Business 978-744-0171


Banned Video Dept. Public Health: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QJ9ic4TYvRaw/

Sgt. Gagnon Signs Dispute:

Signs Dispute 2:

Dunkin' Donuts Tough Guy:

Facebook Posts:

Gagnon 1: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=746980752514084&id=473521096526719

Gagnon 2:

Complaint Responses And Emails: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=639358833276277&id=473521096526719

DPH Banned Video:

Protest Mask Orders:

Mass Accountability Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/CiMv0HRpCL56/

Mass Accountability Facebook Page:

Mass Accountability Instagram:

Mass Accountability Twitter: https://twitter.com/MassAccountabi1?s=09

Mass Accountability Network Channel:

Tommy Visions Channel (My Photography and Videography Channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6d6f3xohrBbcSqWnW405g

#MassAccountability #1stAmendment #1stAmendmentAudit #PoliceThePolice #PhotographyIsNotACrime #FilmThePolice #AlwysFilmThePolice #FTP #AFTP #PINAC #KnowledgeIsPower #KnowYourRights #Boston #JustDoingMyJob #ThinBlueLinePrivilege #CopSucker #BootLicker #ThinBlueLine #ThinBlueLineGang #Northshore #Salem #Boston #Mass #Massachusetts #Florida #California #BayAreaTransparency #Texas #Chicago

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