500 people benefited from the internet, everyone else is going to hades (piano punk)

2 years ago

idealistic vs. tribalistic
can't turn it down or turn it off so i turn all the way up
so idealistic borders on masochistic
ain't nobody gonna do nothin but disappoint me
fighting for scraps is so cool, says society
they don't wanna see that potential cos they'd have to work
everyone is a socialist, regardless of politics
nobody wants to work on themselves
sorry yawl i took a chance
that was a failed relationship
tippy top and we couldn't go any further
all these things that i already know
they never listen anyway, they gotta discover it on their own
i liked it before i fucked it up
i fuck up cos i'm human
kinda obsessed with imperfection
all the things you never thought were inside of you
always been in the moment when in & out, dreaming or sumin
i generalize too often, they never comment for some reason
there ain't nothin to cancel over here but i've been bitched about a lot
i knew they were on the soapbox
the subconscious came to the surface online
i didn't know anyone on twitter had empathy
govt tracking device can be used in a positive way
BUT! we know the ratio hahaha so true!
meX2 pictures with captions
image jeez
hieroglyphics turning everyone into children
the masks are dehumanizing
they dunno psychological stuff or conspiratorial stuff
subtlies along with all up in your face
storage wars...reality tv hello?
we completed our goal...here's my last ditty

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