"The Court of Curiosity" ~ [AUDIOBOOK] ~ Part I

3 years ago

* The Court of Curiosity (2020)
~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RB6LM6N

00:00:15 Editor’s Foreword
00:13:10 Translator’s Letter
00:18:50 A Treatise on Dreams & Visions
00:29:28 Prophetic Dreams
00:36:33 Fire, Air, Water, Earth & Navigation
01:01:37 Vegetative, Sensitive & Rational Creatures
01:03:58 Herbs, Medicine, Corn & Grain
01:07:05 Trees & Their Fruit
01:11:44 Sensitive Creatures, Birds & Beasts
01:16:55 Things Animal
01:20:53 The Dream of Olympia & Various Animals
01:31:01 The Rational Creature
01:37:01 Tradition of the Indians and Persians
01:39:09 Wounds, the Countenance & Hair
01:44:26 Odors, Forehead & Nose
01:48:36 Ears, Eyes & Mouth
01:52:01 The Brows, Cheeks, Lips, Beard & Teeth
01:56:10 Neck, Horns & Shoulders
02:00:19 Ribs, Hips & Shoulders
02:06:55 The Gall, Lungs, Liver, Heart, Entrails, Spleen and Brain
02:12:38 Nakedness & Clothing
02:18:37 The Furious, Madmen & Drunkards
02:21:28 Death & The Grave
02:26:01 Games & Plays
02:30:21 Running & other Human Action
02:35:12 Christian & Heavenly Exercises
02:37:16 The Sun, Moon, Stars & Rainbow
02:45:05 Things Infernal
02:47:58 THE END of Part 1

While extremely challenging, and the result quasi-poorly executed, producing this audiobook version of my first publication has been a true delight, and one hell of a learning experience. I now feel infinitely more capable in recording a superior product upon my next attempt (and there will absolutely be a next attempt, whether it be Part II of "The Court of Curiosity," or if I simply move on to recording "The Mystery of Dreams").

Thanks for listening!
~ Benjamin

* * * * *

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* Author’s Homepage
~ https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B08Y69ZSTW
* The Court of Curiosity (2020)
~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RB6LM6N
* The Mystery of Dreams (2021)
~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08VFVVGJN
* Oneirochronologia: Volume I (2021)
~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YJ4CR37
* Oneirochronologia: Volume II (2021)
~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092P78QKF
* Oneirochronologia: Volume III
~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095GFKN67

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Theme song: “Evocation”
by http://thestark.bandcamp.com/
© Damon Law. ARR/UWP.

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