Green Juice for Weight Loss

2 years ago

Try this recipe can be tried anytime with any meal. It is the easiest green juice to drink and is easy on your tummy!
Green beans are easy to juice and have a mild sweet flavour (surprising I know!) They are high in vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, calcium and manganese. They are also high in carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene. Zeaxanthin selectively absorbs into the retinal macula lutea in the eyes where it may provide antioxidant and protective UV light filtering functions. Therefore  green beans offer some protection in preventing macular diseases

Health Benefits of Cucumber

All that water in cucumbers can help keep you hydrated. Plus, the fiber boost they give you helps you stay regular and avoid constipation.

The vitamin K helps blood clot and keep your bones healthy. Vitamin A has many jobs, like helping with vision, the immune system, and reproduction. It also makes sure organs like your heart, lungs, and kidneys work the way they should.


Lemon seed benefits are very similar to the benefits of eating a lemon.

In short, lemon seeds can:

Reduce Pain in the BodyRemove ToxinsTreat AilmentsProvide NutrientsREDUCE PAIN IN THE BODY

You may be surprised to know that lemon seeds can actually provide some relief from pain. This is because they contain a small amount of salicylic acid, which is the same ingredient in Aspirin that helps provide pain relief in the body. Thus, those that eat lemon seeds may be able to banish headaches and muscle aches by doing so.

For many, this may also be true of using lemon oil as aromatherapy, though not all may respond to lemon oil, or lemon seeds, the same way.


Lemons are naturally detoxifying and the same is true of their seeds. Not only are eating lemon seeds great for detoxifying, but they are also known to kill pinworms, which are small worms that appear like white pieces of thread in feces. These worms are commonly found in children and can be due to a variety of factors.

To kill pinworms, lemon seeds are often crushed and then boiled in milk to release nutrients and detoxifying agents. For more even ways to consume lemon seeds for optimal health benefits, see below.


Suffering from candidiasis or athlete’s foot? Crushed lemon seeds might just be the perfect remedy for you. Try sprinkling crushed lemon seed powder over the affected areas of the feet, or try consuming the powder to rid the body of candida albicans.


There are trace amounts of nutrients found in lemon seeds that are similar to what the pulp and juice of the lemon provide. One of these nutrients, Vitamin C, can help ward off nasty colds and illnesses that plague us in the winter months or other times throughout the year.


Aside from lemon seeds alone, both the lemon pulp, the juice, and even the lemon skin have great benefits to human health and lifestyle.

Believe it or not, crushed lemon seeds are often found in many cosmetic and medical products due to their healing properties and added nutrients.

Lemons in general tend to provide excellent aromatherapy relief, not only in the form of lemon essential oil, but also when sliced fresh or in the form of lemon peel. Don’t have an essential oil diffuser? Try adding lemon peels to a pot of water and boiling it on the stove for a therapeutic aroma. Add in fresh spices, like cinnamon or clove, for a warm and inviting twist.

Lemons are also great for cleaning. Not only do they eliminate bacteria and fight viruses, but they also are great for cutting grease and grime. They leave behind a bright and clean scent.

There are times when lemon seeds are added to animal feed to prevent intestinal issues. As previously noted, lemon seeds can be helpful for digestive issues such as pinworms, however, we don’t recommend giving lemon seeds to dogs and other animals, nor do we recommend giving any portion of a lemon, such as the skin and juice to animals. See below for more information about the side effects of lemons for dogs and pets.

Looking for a quick and easy way to harness the benefits of lemons in your daily life? You may wish to take up drinking lemon water. Lemon water has a whole host of benefits, including weight loss, skin health, fresher breath, the elimination of kidney stones, detoxifying qualities and so much more. As with anything though, you’ll want to be careful not to overdo it. See Scary Things That Can Happen If You Drink Too Much Lemon Water.

As if the above mentioned benefits of lemon weren’t enough, consider that lemons are also used for detoxifying the body, and even getting great skin. Be careful when using lemon on the skin, however, because skin treated with lemon juice and then exposed to direct sunlight can cause burns and rashes.

Still, lemon juice can be helpful to reduce acne due to its antiseptic properties and can also reduce hyperpigmentation by brightening dark spots

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