Dr. Robert Malone: The Biden Administration's Proposed WHO Amendments Is "An Impeachable Offense"

2 years ago

Dr. Robert Malone: The Biden Administration's Proposed WHO Amendments Is "An Impeachable Offense"

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MUST WATCH: Global COVID Summit - Declaration IV - Restore Scientific Integrity


Your Best Chance To Stop The WHO Power Grab If You Act IMMEDIATELY

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Don't Underestimate The Power Of Your Influence
We All Need To Do What We Can To #StoptheWHO
By Dr. Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​
May 13, 2022


The World Health Organisation has blood on its hands. Utterly compromised by private interests, it is directly implicated in the greatest crime against humanity this world has ever seen. At best, you could describe it as parlous mismanagement of a global pandemic, but I would argue that continually promoting experimental gene therapies even as the adverse events racked up on its own reporting system goes rather beyond mismanagement.

As mass panic about Covid-19 spread, the WHO could have been a voice of reason. It could have acted as an impartial public health advisory, evaluating the evidence, recommending early treatments, and giving people at the very least an informed choice on whether to have these new vaccines or not. Its remit is 'to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable'. It has failed.

In a sane world, this failure would be enough to require an international investigation of the WHO and an accounting of its Covid-19 recommendations. But we all know that sanity, at least in the corridors of so-called power, has long departed. Instead, the WHO seems to believe it has not done enough, has not wielded enough influence. As I've mentioned previously, it now wants the power to not only call a pandemic, but to call a 'potential or actual health emergency', and then to override the constitutions of sovereign nations to force its disastrous public health policies on millions of men, women and children.

This is what is effectively being proposed through amendments to the International Health Regulations, and it is madness.

The next flu season could be enough for the WHO to try on its new powers and force us back into lockdowns, introducing mandates for inadequately tested new drugs and therapies. Some may think that the WHO would never do such a thing. But the point is, with the suggested amendments, it could.

Member states vote on the IHR amendments in two weeks' time. If the vote is passed, each member state has six months to reject them. If that state does nothing, then it is assumed that the amendments have been accepted. You can find out more about the amendments here.

Reader, we must do what we can to stop this. Some of you have commented that you feel powerless in the face of so much power. I understand, but I am here to tell you that we are never powerless. The last two years have shown me more than ever how the impact of our actions always ripples out, far beyond the field of our own vision.

Have faith in your own influence. You may never know what impact that conversation you had with a friend really had, or the poster you shared on your social media page. None of us ever really knows, but we take action anyway because we feel in our bones it's the right thing to do. Our individual actions and intent for a better world pooled together make us together very powerful. In early 2021 when I shared my video pleading with Boris Johnson to read my systematic review on Ivermectin and save lives, I did not get the result I wanted: Boris did nothing. But that one action led to another and another, and I began to connect with like-minded, heart-centred people, which ultimately led to the establishment of World Council for Health – with 150+ partners across 50 countries, and growing daily.

Right now we are getting ready for a conference where some of the most expert and brilliant people from around the world are gathering to co-create a better way forward for humanity and our beautiful planet. One of the panel conversations focuses on the question, 'How can the law serve human rights?'. Reiner Fuellmich, Dr Astrid Stuckelberger, Professor Dolores Cahill, and several other eminent lawyers and human rights advocates will be addressing these IHR amendments directly. You are of course warmly welcome to join us for this conversation, whether in person or online. I recommend you invite your friends around and make a party of it!

By the end of the conference, we will have what we need to draw up a charter of our own, by the people and for the people. I can't wait to share it. In the meantime, let's do what we can to raise awareness; let's do what we can to #StoptheWHO.


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