O'Keefe Answers Questions From Congressional Members Regarding DOJ & FBI [11.05.2022]

2 years ago

-> Attacks on Press Freedom.
Note: Satanic Facism in Plain Sight, Just like in Denmark. Hats off for O'Keefe that is trying to 'wake' these politicians up.
My angle, he will never succeed, maybe he's also a controlled opposition Psyop, It wouldn't surprise me.

All the politicians talking on this video are playing a 'game' and lying... Exactly as in Denmark, the justice system is totally rotten and corrupt, and everyone knows it.
That's the Danish Queen who signs all laws, all the politicians, all the officials, the media and all journalists.

And it's all being done with Doublespeak, NewSpeak and New Public Management Speak and has been done in hundreds of years.

And these Satanict and their Servant can øtalk' for years about 'nothing' with this cute sweet empathetic welcoming understandingly politically correct lying manipulative false rhetoric...

So what can you do as a simple Citizen? Nothing.
And no one seems to know, no one seems to care - ZZZzzzzzzzzzz....

Professor William Lutz C-SPAN Interview [1989]: What is Doublespeak? (NPM- and NewSpeak)

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joe biden pedophile grooming

21-23 Mar 2022 Ashley Biden's diary was shown and shopped around a Trump fundraiser before Project Veritas bought it for $40,000 before the election.

Joe Biden Pedophile

Joe Biden Is A Pedophile - YouTube
In the different clips of this video you can see Joe Biden putting his hands on multiple children who look to be under 9 years old they are clearly uncomfort.

Joe Biden displays Pedophile-like behavior - CREEPY - YouTube
Creepy Joe Biden looks like he's about to sexually assault anyone under the age of 10

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20 Apr 2022 The trial of Julian Assange
The U.S. has asked British authorities to extradite Assange so he can stand trial on 17 charges of espionage and one charge of computer misuse

- 'Everyone should hear this man! Everyone should support James O’Keefe and Project Veritas!'
- 'I hope the general public cares enough to see this. What a shame our country’s DOJ and FBI have become.'
- 'Project Veritas is the standard ALL journalist should uphold.'

72,637 viewsMay 11, 2022
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