Episode 711: The Catechism of the Council of Trent - Lesson 3 - Sacraments 4. Marriage - Part 5 of 5

2 years ago

“Blessed Are the Pure in Heart”
As Eve’s eyes were opened in the garden, she soon knew she had led Adam into a new world of sorrow they had never known before. Through Mary, God brought hope to mankind beyond what we could have had any other way. Eve and Mary’s "daughters" have often discovered they have the same powers over men. They have the powers to bring refinement and culture into a man’s life to help him to a better way of life. They also have the power to lead men to the lowest degradation that is humanly imaginable.

The first change Adam and Eve noticed after their eyes were opened was they knew they were naked. With this knowledge came a deep sense of shame and the realization they needed to be clothed. Fear of God and blaming each other came later. Negative emotions come rushing upon those who give themselves to sins of any kind, but especially sexual sins. Adam and Eve’s fig leaf aprons (likely more modest than modern swim wear) were still nakedness, as both God and Adam acknowledged. God went forward to resolve the problem by providing “coats of skins.” Humanity still needs clothing that covers the limbs, disguises the form and is not transparent.

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