Open Your Eye Ep29 with Jack Kungel

2 years ago

Open Your Eye Ep29 with Jack Kungel
Jack's journey with natural therapy has captured the hearts of many. He has helped countless people deal with end-of-life trauma & pain, which also captured the attention of Kim Saltarski, a documentary film producer. Kim Saltarski was inspired by Jacks story, and created a documentary entitled "Jacks Garage- The Documentary"
"After a workplace injury, Jack Kungel was facing a lifetime of debilitation. Barely able to walk, he was prescribed dozens of medications to get through a day. It was then he was diagnosed with bladder and prostate cancer ushering him to an early grave. With nowhere left to turn, he discovered the potential of cannabis to heal and embarked on a quest to heal his life and his body. Now pharmaceutical and cancer free, Jack has made it his mission to share what he has learned, and has helped hundreds of others and their pets from around the world to transform their own lives." ~ Jacks Garage
But Jack didn't stop with cannabis. He went on to learn about the healing powers and benefits of using psychedelic medicine as well. As with everything Jack does, he dove into the research. He was on a mission, to learn everything he could about other plant, animal & fungi-based medicines to treat himself, as well as others around him.
Jack uses psilocybin & LSD daily. He created a tincture with tea, mushrooms & acid that is helping patients overcome a multitude of health issues. Jack himself ingests substantial quantities of psychedelics and cannabis every day to keep his body and mind in a state of homeostasis. He says today at almost 70, he is in the best health of his life. The psychedelics have helped him to deal with the weight of the countless numbers of patients facing end of life situations, while it also helped them face their situation.
Tarra & Kim speak to Jack about his journey with psychedelic medicines, the evolution of cannabis and other natural elements helping patients around the globe, the tincture he created and more this week on Open Your Eye
Join Kim & Tarra when they sit down this week for a chat with patient Jack Kungel, May 12th on Open Your Eye on NOK Network
This weeks episode was pre-recorded, we are unable to take your questions live, but will forward them to Jack after the show
#OpenYourEyeShow #NOKnetwork #jacksgarage #psychedelicpatients #tincture #psilocybin #LSD

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