Weekend Reading 5/13/22: Supporting Roles

2 years ago

Raven's Mighty Tree o' Links:


This weekend won't be about you taking center stage. If you really want to enjoy your own success, aid others and nurture their projects into becoming successes themselves. Watch what happens when you provide direction for others.

#FullScaleFriday #Tarot #Oracles #Runes #BigDeckEnergy

Want A Private Reading For You Or Someone You Know? Simply visit my link tree up above, send me something from the DriveThruRPG or Amazon Wish List ($35 and under, don't break your bank) and you'll get two readings to be redeemed at any time and a birthday reading.

Raven on The Greyhorn Pagans Podcast:


Raven's on The Greyhorn Pagans Podcast (Video):


Winifred Hodge Rose's Site Where You Can Purchase The Book Heathen Soul Lore Foundations


Witcharoo's Runes of The Gods Oracle


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