Dating Relationship Advice For Women - 14 Tips To Ge Him Addicted To You

3 years ago

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Dating & Relationship Advice For Women
By: Carlos Cavallo

Relationships can seem difficult at times. Dating often feels very confusing and complicated. In reality, it's the people that are confusing and difficult. And truth is that it's just a simple skill. I'm going to show you simple dating and relationship advice for women you can use right now.

Number one problem of most relationships is simply this: both the man and the woman were just a little bit too lazy when they were dating. Neither one really followed a smart plan to make sure the relationship would be a success after those first critical weeks.

I've been coaching men and women for nearly 20 years. The one consistent problem has always been that neither gender was willing to step up and hold each other accountable for the relationship.

After all, no one wants to hear that it's going to take effort and work to make a relationship successful. Human beings are lazy by nature.

Would you like to attract a man and get him to fall in love with you, respect you, with the least amount of effort?
You can do it, and it doesn't have to be a struggle.

And there are some "magic bullets" you can use to radically increase your chances of relationship success and becoming a loving couple.

Here is some dating and relationship advice for women - something that any couple use right now:

TIP #1: There Is No “Autopilot” For Relationships
It can be tempting to just coast in a relationship, but relationships require work. People get lazy when it comes to relationships.

If you think that you can just put things on autopilot, you’ll find out (too late) that you’ll grow distant and eventually you'll break up.

Sure, it might be a little work, but is there anything more worth putting that effort into than your love?

TIP #2: Stop Chasing Guys!
If you’re chasing men - trying to get them interested in you and approving of you - you’re probably scaring him away.

Men are hunters, by nature. He needs to have that satisfaction of pursuing and capturing your love.

Unfortunately, most women make themselves way too easy. Or - worse - they fall for the popular idea that it’s okay for women to play the traditional male role and approach guys and ask them out - or invite them to bed.

This is the worst thing you can do.

First of all, if you put all the work in to get him interested, how do you know he’s really into you? How do you know he didn’t just go along because he had nothing else?

Second, if you chase him up front, he’ll never feel the thrill of wondering if you’re into him. And he’ll just take you for granted when you're a couple.

You need a man to show you interest. You want him to let you know you’re desirable!

TIP #3: Pamper yourself - the right way!
Men are attracted to the women who know how to treat themselves right. These are the women that look good and feel good about themselves.

Guys are attracted to women who are more “girly girl” than “manly man” - for obvious reasons. It’s the women who know how to demonstrate their feminine value that can attract almost any man.

TIP #4: Talk It Through
It can be really hard talking about intimacy with men, as you know.

The women who tend to lose their men are the ones that try to avoid talking about the “tough stuff.”

When you’ve got an emotional obstacle, you have to know what to say to men to open them up. If you talk to him like a girlfriend, you’ll lose him. You need to know what words to use with men and how to keep his attention.

TIP #5: Split It Two Ways
No, I’m not talking about the dinner bill. (Guys should pay for the dinner, by the way!)

When I say you should split it two ways, I’m talking about the EFFORT.

You need to split up the chores and the responsibilities 50/50 in your partnership. Otherwise, one person will grow complacent and lazy, and the other one will grow resentful.

Make sure you talk through your expectations in the relationship. If you don’t, you’re very likely to run into more misunderstandings, arguments, and conflict.

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Dating Relationship Advice For Women

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